About Your Merchant Statement

About Your Merchant Statement

Every BankCard USA merchant is sent a monthly processing statement reflecting a breakdown of all batch, deposit, and fee activity. Statements are mailed out the first week of each month reflecting activity for the previous month. This guide will walk you through each field of the BankCard USA merchant statement. Please feel free to contact the listed toll-free Customer Service telephone number with any further questions.

1. Statement Header

  1. Return/Mailing address for BankCard USA
  2. Your BankCard USA merchant account number
  3. Month of processing activity reflected in the statement
  4. Checking or savings account number linked to your BankCard USA merchant account
  5. Your merchant mailing address
  6. Toll-free Customer Service telephone number

2. Statement Message

Important messages, reminders, and announcements pertaining to your BankCard USA merchant account

3. Charge Total

Total month-end debit from your checking or savings account as detailed in the monthly processing statement. Please do not remit payment for this amount as it is automatically debited from your checking or savings account at month-end.

4. Summary of Card Deposits

   Totals for the month broken down by card type

  1. Card type accepted
  2. Monthly total item count of sale transactions for the month
  3. Monthly total dollar amount of sale transactions for the month
  4. Monthly total item count of adjustments for the month
  5. Monthly total dollar amount of net adjustments for the month
  6. Monthly total item count of credit transactions for the month
  7. Monthly total dollar amount of credit transactions for the month
  8. Net dollar amount of sale transactions, adjustments, and credit transactions for the month
  9. Combined totals for MasterCard and Visa only for the month
  10. Totals for all card types for the month

5. Summary of Card Fees

A breakdown of discount and inquiry fees applied for the month. Please refer to information regarding qualification requirements for each tier of discount rates*. Card Fees include, but are not limited to the following:

  • QUALIFIED – Charges for transactions that qualified for the lowest tier of discount rates
  • MID QUALIFIED – Charges for transactions that qualified for the middle tier of discount rates versus the lowest tier
  • NON QUALIFIED – Charges for transactions that did not qualify for either the lowest or middle tier of discount rates available
  • AVS – Address Verification System (AVS) inquiry fee. An AVS inquiry must be performed on all non-face-to-face transactions to qualify for the lowest possible discount rate.
  • AUTHORIZATION – Per-inquiry fee charged each time the terminal or software dials out and connects with the host. This is normally for each authorization request and closing of batches.
  • POS-LOC / 950 – Per-inquiry fee charged when the terminal dials the available local number
  • POS-WATS – Per-inquiry fee charged when the terminal dials the First Data Resources (FDR) 800#
  • VOICE-LOC – Per-inquiry fee for live voice-authorization requests
  1. Card type applicable to listed fees. All AUTHORIZATION fees for batch closings are listed under the VISA card type.
  2. Card Fee type
  3. Dollar amount or item count applicable to fee
  4. Rate or dollar amount applicable to fee
  5. Dollar amount of fee assessed
  6. Total dollar amount for listed card type
  7. Total QUALIFIED discount fees previously deducted during the month upon the original deposit of each batch
  8. Total of all Card Fees assessed at month-end

6. Summary of Miscellaneous Fees

A breakdown of all other processing fees applied for the month. Miscellaneous Fees include, but are not limited to, the following:

• CHARGEBACKS – Processing fee for receipt of each chargeback during the month

• STATEMENT FEE – Monthly fee assessed for overall maintenance of your BankCard USA merchant account

• MIN DISCOUNT – The minimum discount fee total assigned to your merchant processing account. If this minimum discount fee is not met, the difference or total will be deducted at month-end.

* To qualify for the lowest tier of discount rates available ensure that all transactions are fully authorized with all required information and batches are closed on a daily basis. Please refer to processing guidelines on complete information regarding discount rate tiers

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BankCard USA strives to achieve and maintain a positive relationship with our customers by providing several methods of reporting as well as easy access to information and to our staff. The following information is provided to you in an effort to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding maintaining your BankCard USA merchant account. Additional BankCard USA publications address chargebacks and retrieval requests, proper processing of transactions, discount rate qualifications and reading your monthly processing statement. All requests for changes to your merchant account must be made in writing and signed for by the account principal that signed the original merchant application and agreement. All requests must also include the business name and the BankCard USA merchant account number. Please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-589-8200 with any additional questions you may have regarding your BankCard USA merchant account. How do I change my address and/or telephone number? Complete the ADDRESS/PHONE/FAX CHANGE REQUEST FORM with all required information. You may obtain this form here. Fax the completed form to the Data Processing Department at 818-889-9562. The change will be completed upon receipt within three (3) business days. How do I change the checking account information that is linked to my BankCard USA merchant account? It is extremely important to notify BankCard USA immediately upon any change in the checking account that is linked to your BankCard USA merchant account. Failure to notify BankCard USA may result in the delayed deposit of funds to your checking account. Complete the BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR ACH DEBITS/CREDITS CHANGE REQUEST FORM with all required information. You may obtain this form here. A voided check from the new account must be provided with the change request. Fax the completed form and voided check to the Data Processing Department at 818-889-9562. The original checking account should be left open with funds available during the transition to the new account. The charge for this particular service is $25.00 per bank account change request. This payment MUST be received before your account information can be changed. How do I start accepting American Express, Discover, Diners Club, or JCB cards? A merchant processing account number must first be obtained prior to contacting BankCard USA for the activation. Contact your Sales Representative for assistance or contact the associations directly at the phone numbers listed below: American Express (800) 528-5200 Discover (800) 347-6673 Diners Club (800) 525-7376 Japanese Credit Bureau (JCB) (800) 366-4522 Complete the CARD TYPE ADDITION REQUEST FORM with all required information. You may obtain this form here. Fax the completed form to the Data Processing Department at 818-889-9562. The change will be completed upon receipt within three (3) business days. You must also ensure that your processing equipment is set up to accept the additional card type(s). Most terminals will not require additional programming to be completed, as they are already capable of processing all card types. Some software programs may require you to activate the additional card type(s) under the Set-Up option. How do I change my business name and/or the description of my business appearing on my customers’ billing statements? If there is a change in the business name and/or the DBA, either the Fictitious Name filing statement or the Articles of Incorporation must be provided to BankCard USA to change the name on the merchant account. All non-face-to-face merchants automatically have the Customer Service telephone number appearing on the cardholder’s statement. This is done to prompt the customers to contact the merchant directly when questioning a transaction and avoid a chargeback. To add a Customer Service telephone number to a retail merchant account, the request must be submitted in writing with the telephone number to be added. How do I increase my processing limits? This request must be submitted in writing with the new requested average ticket amount and average monthly volume amount. The reason for the increase in processing must also be included in the request and sent to the attention of the Underwriting Department. The BankCard USA Underwriting Department will review the request and the merchant account for approval. How do I change the ownership information if I’ve recently acquired or sold the business? The new owner must complete a new application and agreement. Contact your Sales Representative for assistance. If you are unable to contact your Sales Representative, you may contact BankCard USA directly at 1-800-589-8200 and request to speak to a Marketing Representative

Maintaining Your Merchant Account

Proper Transaction Processing

Proper Transaction Processing

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